Sunday 22 February 2015

Sealy Oreos

No actual baking required but just wanted to make a quick post about these cute cookies I made as a surprise for my Oreo-loving other half as part of Valentine's Day dinner. They were inspired by The More Than Occasional Baker's adorable penguin Oreos which can be found here:

Anyone that knows me knows I have a bit of a seal obsession, hence the adaptation - I just think they're so so cute! Separating the cookies without breaking them and keeping the cream intact is easier said than done and putting the little whiskers on is a bit fiddly but they're fun to make and sure to raise a smile :)

- makes 8
  • 8 Oreo cookies
  • 16 dark chocolate chips
  • 8 butterscotch chips
  • Handful chocolate vermicelli
  1. Use a sharp knife to carefully remove one side of each Oreo and put the non-cream halves to one side. 
  2. Use the knife to gently scrape any excess crumbs off the cream.
  3. Place pairs of chocolate chips at the top of each cookie as eyes then add the butterscotch chip noses and use tweezers to arrange four vermicelli whiskers on each.